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Discover a deep remembrance of who you truly are
and what you’re here to do

Natalie Southgate From Chakradance (18)

Join Chakradance Creator,

Natalie Southgate

For a 7-Week Journey of Transformation for Your Soul!


Are you feeling that deep inner calling to feel more truly yourself, and live the life you know you are destined to live?

It might be a quiet whisper from within or a loud roaring scream from your body and soul.

But at some deep level you know you are ready to:

  • surrender deeper into your next level of healing and spiritual growth

  • release the patterns of the past that are holding you back from being your true self

  • more fully awaken your empowered and passionate self and live your soul magic

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It is Your Time!


Natalie Southgate From Chakradance (38)

I’ve been dancing with the Goddesses in Chakradance for over twenty years. I work with Goddesses from ancient Egypt, Greece, and India.

Each one holds an archetypal energy that we can activate within us.

Each has her own unique teaching, blessing and gift for us.

Dancing with the Goddesses has been one of my greatest discoveries and has helped me with my own deepest healing and spiritual growth.

Over the past few years, I’ve been called to guide others on this deeply potent and sacred Goddess journey. This has since become one of my most loved programs and I’m excited to share it with you and be your Guide-ess! – Nat x

“This experience was profound, deeply transformative and lined with a very deep sense that each Goddess was with me every moment of every day. If you are thinking about doing this e-course, get ready to ignite a rapid transformation.”

– Rebecca Maklad, Australia

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Goddess Sacred Ritual


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The Goddess has many faces. She dances in many forms.

She is sensual, life giving, intuitive, tender, wild and fierce.

She has danced throughout time and cultures for thousands of years.

Her heartbeat is eternal.

She holds an ancient wisdom that our souls living in this modern world are crying out for.

Her ancient wisdom is surfacing once again with magic for these times.


You may hear the Goddess as a whisper.

She may visit you in your dreams.

She may speak to you through characters in your favorite TV shows.

She may reveal herself to you as you gaze into your own eyes in the mirror.

If we are to live a passionate, creative, and authentic life, we need to embody the energy of the Goddess with honor, dignity, and grace.

We need her.

The world needs her.

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The Goddess is Calling You to Dance

To dance with the Goddess is not about pushing, forcing, grasping, or trying.

It’s about softening, releasing, surrendering, opening, expanding, and nurturing.

This is what will lead you to your own deep healing and to the remembrance of you.



Chakradance Goddess Sacred Rituals

Goddess Kali

Ritual 1 – Goddess Kali

Change is inevitable in our lives; it’s a part of the natural death and birth cycle of nature. Yet so many of us fear change, and therefore do everything in our power to resist it. We hold on to old ways, patterns, behaviours, relationships etc. that are not in alignment with who we truly are. Eventually nature has her way and enforces change on us, often in an overwhelming and destructive way.

In this ritual, you will be guided to invite Goddess Kali, the Goddess of death, into your life. Invoking her will help you gently and consciously shed and release the old so that the new can be birthed into your life.

Goddess Aphrodite

Ritual 2 – Goddess Aphrodite

By nature, we are all loving, beautiful, sensual, and sexual beings. Many of us feel disconnected or have a distorted relationship with this part of ourselves due to experiences that have wounded us. To protect ourselves, we cut ourselves off from our feelings and sexuality. We build armour around us for protection, but in doing so, we also block the flow of our true nature.

In this ritual, Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of pleasure and passion, will help you to safely let go of the protective inner walls you have created so that you can open to your innate sensual, sexual and creative nature.

Goddess Sekhmet

Ritual 3 – Goddess Sekhmet

Boundaries are vitally important in our lives. We need to protect our energy from toxic situations, the impact of being around negative people and heavy environments, and the information that comes at us from social media and the news. Not only do we need to protect ourselves from outside negative influences, be we also need to create boundaries in our minds to protect ourselves from our own inner negative voices and thoughts.

In this ritual, you will invoke Goddess Sekhmet, the Warrior Goddess, for divine protection. Invoking her will help you stay connected with your own inner truth, vibration, and positive mindset.

Goddess Kuan Yin

Ritual 4 – Goddess Kuan Yin

Inside each of our hearts resides a pure loving kindness and compassion. As we travel the winding path of our lives, we encounter experiences like heartbreak, loss, betrayal etc. that can cause us to close our hearts as a way of attempting to feel safe.

Goddess Kuan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy. Legend has it that she paused on the threshold of heaven as she was about to enter when she heard the anguished cries of the world. Out of compassion for the suffering of others, she turned and vowed to remain and help those in need for however long this may take. In this ritual, you will be guided to invoke Kuan Yin to help you open your heart to more peace, gentleness, kindness, and love.

Goddess Saraswati

Ritual 5 – Goddess Saraswati

We are each unique soul beings here on a journey to live our most authentic selves. Yet as we encounter different experiences in our lives, many of us create masks to hide our true selves. This might be to try and fit in, to make other people feel more comfortable, to protect ourselves, or because we are too afraid to show people who we truly are.

In this ritual with Saraswati, the Goddess of purification, you will be guided to release what has silenced you from expressing your truth, allowing any masks to gently fall away. You will become free to express your unique creative self and become a clear channel for sacred wisdom and knowledge.

Goddess Tara

Ritual 6 – Goddess Tara

There is a saying “When all the stars align, magic happens.” We each have our own soul destiny guiding us on this human journey here on earth. Sometimes we wander off our spiritual path and begin to feel lost or off-course. We can start to feel alone and disconnected from our soul essence and the spiritual realm.

Goddess Tara is known as the Star Mother and invoking her will light your soul path. In this ritual, you will be guided to align your earthly life with your spiritual destiny so that magic happens in your life.

Goddess Isis

Ritual 7 – Goddess Isis

We often have certain challenges, patterns of behaviour, fears, difficult relationships etc that we just can’t seem to change or break free from, no matter how much healing work we do.

In this potent ritual with Isis, the Goddess of Alchemy, you will be safely guided in a past-life ritual to heal any negative energetic imprint it is having on you this life. Invoking Goddess Isis will help you to find your spiritual strength and rise above any adversity in your life.

Join Chakradance Creator,

Natalie Southgate

For a 7-Week Journey of Transformation for Your Soul!


I highly recommend this program to those looking to heal their emotional experiences in an accelerated way. The program is very intense and emotional and the corresponding healing as well. It was amazing to see how each week built on the last one, taking me to a higher chakra and a higher level of healing through the Goddesses and their associated chakra.”

 – Dr Charleen Michel, Switzerland

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Goddess Sacred Rituals


Our live group Zoom calls will run each week at your choice of two times (replays will also be available if you can’t join live):

Los Angeles (PST) from Tues Jan 2 to Feb 27, 2024, at 1pm OR 3pm. 
Brisbane (AEST) from Wed Jan 3 to Feb 28, 2024 at 7am OR 9am.

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Chakradance Goddess E-Course


Embodying the Goddesses through Chakradance is a deeply potent process that will open you to a whole new depth of healing and spiritual growth.  It will help you remember who you truly are and what you are here to do.

US $1111

(Payment Plan Available – 3 monthly Payments of US $400) 

Payment Plan

Three monthly payments of

US $400

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Full Payment

US $1111

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Chakradance Guarantee 14 Day
Gold Glitter

EXCLUSIVE BONUS – Ready for you to access immediately

Valued at $497

Mantras are the sacred sounds of Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. When we chant mantras, we evoke a specific vibration and open up to the sacred wisdom contained in each sound.  

Mantra Dance Thumbnail

Each chakra has a specific mantra sound and in this program, you will be guided into chanting and dancing each mantra. The power of chanting mantras alone can have deeply healing effects on the body and mind. 

When mantra sounds, specific to the chakras are then danced and moved through the body, to our signature chakra resonant soundscapes, this is amplified throughout your entire being:

Body, Mind and Spirit. 

One of the most powerful ways to bring your Mantra Dance experience to consciousness, is through our guided mandala art. This is a powerful integrative processes that is one of the keys to the power of Chakradance as a healing dance therapy modality.

What’s included: 

  • Video teachings by Chakradance Creator, Natalie Southgate 
  • 7  Guided Chant Meditations – audios 
  • 7  Guided Mantra Dances – audios 
  • 7  Mandala Art Soundtracks 
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"The Chakradance Goddess series was amazingly beautiful for me on so many levels. I'm still integrating it all and becoming more aware of the many significant shifts. It was a deep safe container shaped by Natalie and my dancing soul sisters. Natalie embodies what she teaches fully. This series dramatically increased my confidence, courage, commitment, and motivation. May the Goddesses dance with their gifts into your life as well! " 

- Monique Leerschool, New Zealand

What an absolutely beautiful course, Nat! I loved every bit of it and will come back to the dances and meditations again and again, as what nicer way to connect to and unblock our chakras than through music and dance. I really love your energy too, Nat. You are a beautiful soul. Much love!

- Eliz

“When I first heard about the Goddess course I wasn't sure whether I wanted to venture into experimenting with Goddess' energy.  Now I'm a few weeks the other side of the course and I'm so glad I went for it as I enjoyed the course so much!  Kali, being the first Goddess immediately gave me a powerful physical experience. There was a real "Bam" moment where I felt I let something go and felt a strong feeling of liberation." 

- Hannah Terry, UK

Thank you, Natalie, for creating the great gift that is Chakradance.

- Tami

I absolutely adored this course. Just finished, but will keep coming back. Thank you Natalie for this gift. Your wonderful energy, music, meditations and the whole course. Loved it!

- Jessica

I've been working with holistic energy modalities for over 6 years now, and I've never before come across anything that brings me to such a state of utter bliss.

- Amy

About your Guide-ess, Natalie Southgate

Natalie is an introverted soul, who also happens to have a very big message to share. She whole-heartedly believes that everything we need for a life filled with authenticity and vibrancy already exists within us.

She is a Hay House author, Jungian Psychotherapist and Founder of the movement therapy modality, Chakradance.

She has run events at Deepak Chopra’s Center in California, led retreats around the world and has trained over a thousand accredited facilitators who are running Chakradance in over 70 countries.

Natalie has been featured in many leading magazines, TV shows and podcasts and is an always-popular presenter and guest speaker at healing and wellbeing events, both live and online. USA Today named her as one of the Top 10 Conscious Female Leaders to watch in 2022.

Natalie is passionate about helping people heal from past traumas and emotional wounding, finding happier, more balanced lives as Chakradance helps them ‘come home’ to their true authentic selves.

When she’s not dancing her chakras or passing her wisdom on to others, you’ll find her on the beach with her children and fur-babies or hiking through the national park.

Have Questions?

The program is all home-based, with guided support throughout. Your videos and audio files will be accessed via a members portal. Support will take place in a private Facebook group and all Zoom session will be recorded and shared in the group.  

Our live group Zoom calls will run each week at your choice of two times:
Los Angeles (PST) from Tues Jan 2 to Feb 27, 2024, at 1pm OR 3pm. 
Brisbane (AEST) from Wed Jan 3 to Feb 28, 2024 at 7am OR 9am.

Absolutely! Although the Zoom sessions are there as a support and connection for you, you will benefit hugely from working through the materials in the program. All Zoom sessions will be recorded and shared in our private Facebook group. 

We recommend allowing approximately 3 hours each week to dedicate to your Goddess journey. Much of what you learn will become a way of life and you may feel called to immerse yourself in the beauty of Chakradance for the sheer joy of it.  

The program is held within a 7 week time frame, focusing on one Chakra Goddess each week, with dedicated support throughout. To gain the most from the program, we recommend that you commit to engaging in the program in alignment with the schedule. However, you can complete the program in your own time. 

Yes, you will have life-long access to the materials and can return to them again and again. 

Founder of Chakradance, Natalie Southgate, will be holding sacred space for you throughout the 7 week program, via Zoom and the private Facebook group.  


There is no risk in enrolling. If you decide that the Chakradance Goddess program isn’t for you. No problem. You can contact us 14 days from the start date and we will give you your money back. We don’t offer refunds after 14 days.  

No. This Chakradance Goddess course is open to everyone. What you do require is the motivation to honestly look at the challenges in your life (with love and gentleness) and be open to positive change in your life.