As well as the music, co-created by Natalie and the brilliant Dale Nougher, it also features stunning visuals, including some fabulous imagery by Bill Brouard at Visual Alchemy. Direction, cinematography and post-production all by the incredibly talented Mel Alexander at Web Videos Australia.
It’s a full 50-minute class for you to do at home. Use it regularly – your experience will be different each time as your healing dance journey unfolds.
Here’s what Debra Lynne Katz (author of “Freeing the Genie Within”) had to say about it:
“THE 7 KEYS TO FREEDOM is perhaps the most beautifully produced meditation/dance/exercise DVD I’ve ever seen. The photography, lighting and location is just stunning. The music is so compelling I found it hard to sit still for a moment as I watched, and I found myself being drawn into the light filled room as if I were part of the class.
THE 7 KEYS TO FREEDOM is both a wonderful introduction to Chakradance, and perfect for those of us who just can’t get enough of it.”