Renowned Teacher, Healer, Hay House Author, and Chakradance™ Founder, Natalie Southgate presents…

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Sign up for Facilitator Training

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Facilitator of Live Chakradance Programs – 12 Weeks

Certificate One training begins with the Foundations of Chakradance. Here you will take a deep journey into the chakra system, the healing power of Chakradance music, dance and mandala art and discover how Chakradance has its roots in Jungian Psychology.

You will experience our signature 9-week live program ‘Chakradance – Freedom’. This powerful work prepares your body, heart, and soul to heal and transform as you release sabotaging beliefs and patterns, align with higher guidance, and move into a new realm of consciousness and living.

Having danced this path for yourself, you’ll then learn all you need to know to guide others in their own healing using our proven method for facilitating Chakradance in live settings. This includes preparing yourself and your space; running sacred circles and retreats; group leadership skills; and one-on-one facilitating skills. This part of the training requires you to film yourself facilitating a small live workshop. All the requirements and support you need are included in the training.

On successful completion of our Certificate One training, you will be eligible to become licensed to facilitate all Chakradance LIVE programs (an annual licence fee applies). This includes group immersions, themed workshops, retreats, festivals, corporate workshops, and private one-on-one sessions.

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Here’s everything you get inside the training

Natalie Southgate White Dress Welcome
  • 23 video teachings that will help you find deep personal transformation, bring profound healing to your clients, and build the healing business of your dreams
  • workbooks and exercises to help you deepen your chakra knowledge and learn the skills needed to facilitate your own transformative live workshops, retreats, and events
  • audio files for your own Chakradance practice so that you can lay the energetic foundations for the work you will do as a facilitator (we can only take our clients as far as we have travelled ourselves!)
  • support in a “held” private Facebook group where you can connect with a tribe of like-minded souls and be witnessed on your own journey. Our Chakradance team will also be available daily to support and guide you, keep you accountable and cheer you on your Chakradance journey
  • 2 Live Zoom calls to get hands-on support and guidance with Chakradance Founder, Natalie Southgate

The Investment

This training is personal and professional. It will expand your spiritual growth and your business growth. Step by step, and chakra by chakra, Natalie will guide you on your own deep inner healing journey and teach you everything you need to know to become a soul aligned entrepreneur.

INVEST IN HEALING YOURSELF – release old wounds, emotional baggage, outdated patterns and beliefs and step fully into your truth, power, and creativity. 

INVEST IN HELPING OTHERS – make a profound difference in your community by facilitating profound and lasting transformations with your clients, empowering them to awaken to their highest potential and happiest lives. 

INVEST IN GROWING YOUR OWN SOUL-ALIGNED THRIVING BUSINESS – run a business that is as fulfilling and aligned as it is profitable and powerful and live the lifestyle of your dreams. 


First month: US $550
then three monthly payments of

US $550

Sign up now


US $1950

Sign up now

We offer a 14-day No Risk Money Back Guarantee

There is no risk in enrolling. If you decide that the Chakradance Facilitator Training  isn’t for you, no problem! You can contact us within 14 days from the start date and we will give you your money back.  We don’t offer refunds after 14 days.

Chakradance Guarantee 14 Day

Thank you for offering such a detailed, inspiring, and professional training to help us to have a clear view, structure and method to run our spiritual business. Natalie’s words are powerful, encouraging, and inspiring, can feel her heart-felt passion and contribution. And thank you to the whole team for giving us so much support in Facebook and other ways.

Lilly Ho

I have many certifications in my toolbox and none of them come close to the quality, integrity, kindhearted and purity of energy and intention as Chakradance. To say Chakradance has been life changing is an understatement. So grateful. Thank you, Natalie Southgate, for your beautiful soul shine and all the bright lights who you have gathered. Purefection!

Sandy Combs

I have loved every single second of this training. Soooo much inside it. So comprehensive and the way it is delivered is so easy and enjoyable to follow.

Erin Sharwood


Enrol in our September 2024 Chakradance Training Certificate One and once you’ve completed, you’ll also receive our highly regarded

Chakradance Business School Program

for FREE (Retail Price is US $2000)

The Chakradance Business School is a power packed program that will help you take your Chakradance business to the next level and create a lifestyle you love.

You will become crystal clear on who your soul clients are and how you can reach them. You will deep dive into sacred marketing strategies, learn a heart-centred sales process and discover how to confidently charge premium pricing.

Natalie will share her 30+ years of business experience and cover topics such as ‘the vibration of money and abundance’, sacred boundaries, energetic tools for time management, creating partnerships, as well as tips and gems she has learned along the way.

You will complete the program by creating your own personalized business and lifestyle plan, which you embody and dance into life.

Even if you have taken other business courses, this program is highly unique to growing a Chakradance business.

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Natalie Southgate From Chakradance (18)

Movement is the language of deep transformation—for you, your clients, and your business. 

Consider this your divine invitation to use a unique fusion of Jungian Psychology, dance, chakra resonant music, guided visualization, and mandala art, as an elixir for your mind, body, and soul.

Chakradance gently unravels buried feelings, unresolved memories, and unconscious inherited beliefs, all of which we hold in our bodies, and in our energy centers, called the chakras. This blocked energy becomes the tension in our bodies, the illnesses we develop, and the negative patterns we keep repeating in our lives.

Balancing your chakras will change your life

Movement is one of the most powerful ways to awaken the energy within you, shift it, release it, and move beyond everything you ever thought was possible for yourself. As you turn your awareness inwards, you’ll experience your own deep healing journey, releasing old wounds, traumas, and sabotaging beliefs as you reclaim the potent energy that lies within you.

Through Chakradance, you can improve your whole state of being—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You’ll expand your positivity, productivity, and the possibilities in your life.

Having walked this path for yourself, you’ll then learn the skills to guide others in their own transformation using our proven curriculum and framework and grow a business you love.

Natalie Southgate From Chakradance (15)

Payment Options


First month: US $550
then three monthly payments of

US $550

Sign up now


US $1950

Sign up now

Chakradance success stories

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Training to become a Chakradance Facilitator was amazing. I learnt so much about the chakras and how to apply this new spiritual knowledge to my everyday life. I never thought it was possible to grow and transform so much as an individual soul and as a facilitator of healing. My spirituality has awakened, and there’s no stopping me now from helping others do the same.

Nadine Moses,
Chakradance Facilitator, Australia

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My biggest learnings were the uninhibited and untethered storehouse of love and light that I found within my being, the amazing possibility of sharing it with other people, and helping them to connect to their truest self. What a gift Chakradance is!

Ella Thapar,
Chakradance Facilitator, Australia

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Through facilitating Chakradance, I’ve witnessed my clients becoming more conscious about their thoughts, feelings, and bodies. They feel more secure and grounded and can stay true to themselves, their values, and their dreams. They’ve gained insights and improved their communication. They are more gentle with themselves and less judgemental. They feel more relaxed.

Etoile du Long,
Chakradance Facilitator, Netherlands